2018年5月25日 星期五


Poetry is meant to be heard and read。詩是用來朗讀的,繪本也是。為了讓孫輩從小接觸英語,我收藏的繪本中,有將近一半是英文的。現在都說「親子共讀」,繪本不只是給小孩看的,更是讓大人講給小孩聽的。因此英文繪本如果有朗讀CD可以參考最好,若沒有,從Youtube多半可以找到,常常有好多版本呢!我把最喜歡的版本下載,有空時聆聽,順便自己練英文。來分享幾本意境如詩的美聲朗讀繪本。

這是美國著名詩人Robert Frost(1874-1963)的代表作之一,原名「 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening」,余光中翻譯為「雪晚林邊歇馬」,比英文更富詩意,這是中文神奇之處。黑白鉛筆素描為主的插畫,把林中雪景描繪的相當傳神,感覺空氣是冰涼的。原書附有中英文朗讀CD。


Youtube有好多英文朗讀版本,甚至有 Frost本人的朗讀。我最喜歡的是這位中年女士充滿智慧與磁性的聲音。迷人的圖文搭配朗讀和配樂,彷彿上演著鮮活的戲劇!

「Old turtle」文字簡潔,是講述人類應該與萬物、大自然和諧共處的寓言。

Once, long long ago....
yet somehow, not so very long....
when all the animals, and rocks, and winds and waters
and trees, and birds, and fish
and all the beings of the world could speak....
and understand one another....

這是作者Douglas Wood的第一本繪本,即得到很多獎項。玉山出版社有中文版,可惜彩色印刷不如原版書。插畫作者徐靖沂是馬來西亞長大,留學美國的華人。精湛的水彩畫,融合了東西方的特色,氣勢磅礡兼具空靈之美。


Chris Van Allsburg同時是圖和文的創作者,這本書得到美國的凱迪拉克獎,寫實的畫風細膩而典雅,百看不厭。

At one time most of my friends could hear the silver bell, but as years passed, it fell silent for for all of them. Even Sarah found one Christmas that she could no longer hear its sweet sound. Though I've grown old, the bell still rings for me as it does for all who truly believe.

網路上找到的朗讀棒極了,朗讀者Liam Neeson,聲音慈祥、渾厚有豐富表情,背景配音如劇場,但不干擾朗讀聲音。

「聽那鯨魚在唱歌」(The Whales' Song, by Dyan Sheldon),格林出版。Gary Blythe的插畫顯然有很大的加分,這本書得到英國格林威大獎。



在網路找到很棒的音檔。是英國腔的女性配音,背景有海浪和鯨魚唱歌的聲音,真是療癒。這個故事的音檔佔八分鐘,後面是「Jonah and the Whale 」,「How the Whale Got His Throat」兩個故事。

之前以為「月下看貓頭鷹」(Owl moon, by Jane Yolen)是爸爸帶著小男孩在夜裡到森林裡去找老鷹的故事。找到的影音檔是由作者親自朗讀,原來故事是由小女孩訴說的,這一定是作者的親身經驗吧!

It was late one winter night, long past my bedtime. When Pa and I went owling. There was no wind. The trees stand still as giant statues.

I never called out. If you go owling, you have to be quiet, that's what Pa always says. I had been waiting to go owling with Pa for a long long time.

We walked on. I could feel the cold, as if someone's icy hand was palm-down on my back. My nose and the tops of my cheeks felt cold and hot at the same time. But I never said a word. If you go owling you have to be quiet and make your own heat.

When you go owling you don't need words or warm or anything but hope. That's what Pa says. The kind of hope that flies on silent wings under a shining owl moon.


